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2019 Dream Machines Auto Show (Sponsors)

  • 12 Oct 2019
  • 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Hutchinson Square, Downtown Summerville, SC


  • • Company Logo will be included on our “Best-in-Show” trophy.
    • Sponsor of Specialty Trophies (e.g, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior, etc…)
    • Includes Premium, Standard, Basic, T-Shirt, Trophy, and Vendor packages
  • • Display of Company Logo and sponsorship announcement on our Website and other online social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
    • Premium Placement at the event of your 10’x10’ tent or automobile (see below for restrictions)
    • Showcase and display up to 2 vehicles/bikes (any make, model, year)
    • Company Name and Products will be announced throughout event by MC
    • Includes Standard, Basic, T-Shirt, Trophy, and Vendor package
  • • Company Name and Logo Displayed on all Flyers, Print Media Coverage, Press Releases and Announcements, (from the day of application & payment for re-maining prints & announcements)
    • Includes Basic (T-Shirt + Trophy), and Vendor packages (20% Savings)
  • • Recognition day-of-show by announcer/MC
    • Includes T-Shirt and Trophy package (25% Savings)
  • Company Name and Logo Displayed on all T-Shirts
    (Deadline to be on T-Shirt is SEPT 20, 2019)
  • • Sponsored by [Company Name] on one Top 50 trophy
    • Announcement during awards ceremony as official trophy sponsor
  • Same as Vendor except 10’x20’ space for Food Truck / Trailer. Trucks will be parked on Main Street, facing into the park
  • • 10×10 Space for Product or Service Display
    • Signage allowed in and around space allotted. Please be courteous of neighboring tents.
    • Free to pass out any material or giveaways that pertain to your company or product (no solicitation of items or endorsements for other companies or items)

    NOTE: Please tell us what type of products you will feature in the notes below.

Registration is closed

Supporting the Summerville Miracle League is easy, affordable and fun!

Lowcountry Muscle Car (LMC) is a Summerville-based auto club with over 60 members who wish to share their passion with our community while supporting the Summerville Miracle League in their mission to enhance the lives of people with special needs. Once again, we ask for your support for this year’s show which will be held on Saturday, October 12th, 2019. With your help, this year will be better than ever as we return to everyone's favorite venue, Hutchinson Square in historic downtown Summerville, SC!


In its’ 7th year, the Dream Machines Open Auto Show attracts many attendees, but we depend on the added support of our friends in the business community.  Your support helps to defray costs which maximizes the donations because 100% of donations less expenses goes directly to the charity.  If you have never been involved before, we hope you will consider joining us!  For those of you who have supported us in the past, we would like to welcome you back this year and ask you for your continued support. 

 Our Sponsor Opportunities

Sponsor Level


Package Includes


(only one per show)


· Company Logo will be included on our “Best-in-Show” trophy.
· Sponsor of Specialty Trophies (e.g., Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior, etc.)
· Also includes Gold, Silver, Bronze, T-Shirt, Trophy, and Vendor packages! 



· Display of Company Logo and sponsorship announcement on our Website and other online social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
· Premium Placement at the event of your 10’x10’ tent or automobile (see below for restrictions)
· Showcase and display up to 2 vehicles/bikes (any make, model, year)
· Company Name and Products will be announced throughout event by MC
·Also includes Gold, Silver, Bronze, T-Shirt, Trophy, and Vendor packages! 



· Company Name and Logo Displayed on all Flyers, Print Media Coverage, Press Releases and Announcements, (from the day of application & payment for remaining prints & announcements)
· Includes Bronze (T-Shirt + Trophy), and  Vendor packages ( 20% Savings)


(T-Shirt + Trophy)


· Recognition day-of-show by announcer/MC
· Includes T-Shirt and Trophy package ( 25% Savings)



· Company Name and Logo Displayed on all T-Shirts
(Deadline to be on T-Shirt is SEPT 16, 2019)



· Sponsored by [Company Name] on one Top 50 trophy
· Announcement during awards ceremony as official trophy sponsor

Vendor - 10x10




·  10×10 Space for Product or Service Display
· Signage allowed in and around space allotted. Please be courteous of neighboring tents.
· Free to pass out any material or giveaways that pertain to your company or product (no solicitation of items or endorsements for other companies or items)

Vendor -
Food Truck


· Same as Vendor except 10’x20’ space for Food Truck / Trailer

The deadline to appear on our t-shirt has passed!

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